2023-01-10 Food Engineering “Food Processing (Brewing)”

I heard that a graduate would be giving a lecture in the "Food Engineering" class for third-year students in the Department of Applied Biological Science Faculty of Agriculture, so I came to take a look!
"Food Engineering" is a class in which students become familiar with the concepts of material balance and energy balance, and learn the basic theories of flow, heat transfer, diffusion, etc., the kinetics of chemical reactions and sterilization that occur within food, and food freezing procedures, all in a comprehensive manner, from the basics to applications of food manufacturing.
You can deepen your understanding not only through lectures but also by setting problems in case studies and working to solve them.

Today's theme is food processing (brewing).
Senior Assistant Professor was Hiroyuki Kawasaki, a graduate of Department of Applied Biological Science and current representative director of Yayoi Shochu Brewery Co., Ltd., who gave a lecture titled "How pot-distilled shochu is produced - enjoying the drinks made by our graduates."
The students listened intently to an explanation not only of how shochu is made, but also how wine and sake are made.

In the third photo, Professor Nomura Yoshihiro is introducing alcohol that is all made by graduates of TUAT.
TUAT has graduates who are involved in the production of various types of alcohol, including not only shochu, but also wine and sake.
During the lecture, there was also a tasting of the alcohol produced by the graduates.

I was so happy to meet a successful graduate!
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Related Links
- Faculty of Agriculture Department of Applied Biological Science
- Professor Yoshihiro Nomura Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Agriculture Researcher Information
- Faculty Faculty of Agriculture Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine Professor Yoshihiro Nomura Laboratory Website
- Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Official Instagram (@tuat_hakkenkoken)