Science experience classes for high school students and introduction to the SAIL entrance exam

Introducing the science experience class for high school students and the SAIL entrance exam.

Science experience class for high school students

Since 2019, Department of Biomedical Engineering has been holding science experience classes for high school students. The experimental theme of the science experience class can also be used as the subject of a special activity report for the Department of Biomedical Engineering SAIL entrance examination (AO entrance examination). In addition, after the completion of the experiment, we also provide guidance on report preparation for those who wish to apply, regardless of whether or not they have applied for SAIL. In fiscal 2019, the science experience class was conducted on the following seven experimental themes.

1. Investigating the energy of hydrogen atoms: The quantum world seen in the "color of light"
2. Making Holography: Challenging the Display of Stereoscopic Images with Laser Light
3. Catch the fluctuating particles with light: Experience Brownian motion and optical tweezers
4. Observe the absorption spectrum of hemoglobin: Use light to check the level of oxygen supply in the body
5. Creating the Northern Lights: Emission of "Plasma" Created by Magnetic Fields
6. Seeing the inside of things with ultrasound: how ultrasound imaging works
7. Make a pulse meter using LEDs: Let's measure pulse waves with light

In FY2020, we have decided to postpone the science experience class to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, but we will tell you the same content as the report writing guidance that we usually conduct in the following video, so please use it as a reference for report writing. In addition, please take a look at the introductory video of the Department of Biomedical Engineering SAIL entrance examination and SAIL program.

Outline of SAIL Entrance Examination

About the Special Activities Report
